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One year one: co-production with care experienced young people in Hull

Published: 24/08/2023

Author: focusgov

Looking back on our work with care leavers and Hull City Council.

One year on, it's been great to reflect on the co-production session with Hull Councils young people about their Care Leavers App – Hull 16-25. 

Throughout the session we discussed how the cost of living had been affecting young people in Hull and how we work together to provide their local offer, events, discounts and offers through their app. 

A year later and the cost of living continues to be a struggle for young people. The app enables access to organisations and charities that can support them, discounts and offers available in the area and crucial information to help young people with money and finances. Updates can be communicated through the app using push notifications to update young people about their rights and entitlements and how the local authority can support them during the crisis. Meaning information will be with young people instantly. 
During the first 6 months of 2023, the most visited organisations on their Care Leavers App have been various food banks and mental health support services. With education, training and employment areas of the app showing to be the most popular sections including Council work experience placements, prospectus family business and current opportunities. 

When asked ‘how do you feel about the Cost of Living, what kind of support do you have’ one young person explained
“I’ve had to spend all my money on shopping, cleaning and food this week out of my £226 I’ve used £180 already on bills and have £22 phone bill I can’t pay. I’ve already had to borrow £20 to top up my electric and have a debt with the water company, forgot to buy toilet paper. I’m sick of living in this flat and I want to move”.
During our consultation session, there was a clear example of how the app can support young people living independently – particularly if their PA was unavailable. As a young person was asking their PA for support, while in the meeting, their PA suggested downloading the app so they have instant access to support that can help today. 

Hull explained their practice when they meet a new young person, and how they encourage that they download the app and that young people have benefited from the app during the crisis as they can quickly and easily access information, support and services. Instantly receiving support independently. 

The young people explained including more information about finances, increasing the number of discounts and offers available to them and include information about student deals and discount cards would make the app more beneficial to them during this time. Explaining the app is very organised and easy to find what you need. 

They explained our budget planner would be useful for young people to plan their week or monthly budgets and that it would be great for the team in Hull to include details about childcare support and pet care supplies, along with organisations such as food banks in their ‘Who Can Help’ section for help on weekends when their PA’s are not available to signpost.  

Moving forward, Hull want to continue work with their PAs to develop the app and involve young people in further developing their content. While adding anything that is available to support their young people such as signposting to the cheapest utilities supplier. 

To find out more about the Care Leavers App please get in touch.